Where Do Section 8 Voucher Holders Live?

This dashboard shows where families with housing choice vouchers live in Durham. The map is of Durham County, and each shaded section represents a census tract1. The shading represents what percentage of housing choice voucher residents live in that census tract.


  • Scroll over the map to see the name of each census tract.
  • Click on a census tract to see the specific percentage of housing choice voucher residents living in that census tract.
  • Click the button below to add or change the graph’s features. The shaded circles represent another characteristic of each census tract. Bigger circles and darker colors represent a greater quantity. Click on a census tract to see the numerical data associated with the shading.
  • Click and hold anywhere on the map to move around.
  • In the upper left hand corner of the graph, click the “+” or “-” symbols to zoom in or zoom out. If you continue zooming in, it is possible to see road names. Check out where you live!
  • The button below the “+” and “-” symbols lets you add or remove layers. You can deselect the checkbox to see Durham without the added map features.

The census tract shading remains the same in every graph. The bubbles will change based on the neighborhood characteristic selected. For all of the neighborhood characteristics, a larger circle represents a greater quantity. For some characteristics, such as the percentage of households living below the poverty line, high rates are of concern. For some characteristics, such as median household income, low rates are of concern.

circle size legend

higher percentage of poverty ⟶

Neighborhood Characteristics

Displaying neighborhood characteristics along with the percent of HCV residents per tract is important. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, neighborhood characteristics affect crime and delinquency, education, psychological distress, health problems, and more2.

Click here to learn why the percentage of households under the poverty line is important.

1Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county used to collect census data. Each census tract averages about 4,000 residents.


Data for the added features is from the American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates for 2019.

Housing Choice Voucher data is from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The dataset can be accessed here.